Panhandle Independent School District
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Revision Dates
June 23, 2021
December 6, 2021
June 6, 2022
December 5, 2022
*PISD will only provide In-Person, Face-to-Face Instruction for 2021-2022. The Asynchronous Remote Learning Plan will be implemented if pandemic circumstances require it.
We strive to be the preeminent public school system in the Texas Panhandle focusing on student achievement, quality instruction, customer service and cost effectiveness. Our students will become empowered through academic rigor and character development to become successful citizens.
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Blair Brown
This plan was developed with the input from the District Site Based Team and with the information gathered from a community survey. The public was notified through the district’s internet, website and through the local newspaper. The district’s plan attempts to address the following areas:
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Panhandle ISD returned to school on August 17, 2020, following the spring 2020 COVID School Closure ordered by Governor Gregg Abbott. The district was able to complete a regular school year with no school closures due to COVID. A calendar was adopted for the 2020-2021 school year that allowed students and faculty to return to in-person instruction. Throughout the year, the district strictly followed TEA guidance, CDC guidance and local authority recommendations related to mitigation and response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The district will continue to strive to create a safe and secure learning environment for all of its students in the 2021-2022 school year. School will begin on August 23, 2021, and the district will offer only in-person, face-to-face instruction. The district will continue to address social, emotional and mental health issues through our counseling services.
The district will continue to follow CDC and TEA guidelines to mitigate and respond to COVID-19. Guidance related to the following will be monitored and adhered to: diseases mitigation, response, social distancing, PPE recommendations, health monitoring, contract tracing, quarantine and sanitation.
In response to COVID-19, the district will continue the following efforts begun in 2020-2021:
If COVID-19 numbers of infected persons begin to rise in our country, hospital district, and /or statewide, and/or the Governor issues a school closure order, district will increase its mitigation efforts according to CDC, State, TEA, and local guidance. At that time district and campus administration will begin reviewing and revising the Asynchronous Learning Plan approved by TEA in 2020. This plan will them be implemented then be implemented, if needed, to provide remote instruction, either fully, partially, or in some hybrid way according to circumstance.
This plan will be reviewed every six months and will be available in various formats. These formats will be available upon request.
Table of contents
From the Office of the Superintendent ………………………………………………………..3
Contact information ……………………………………………………………………………..4
Instruction Choices………………………………………………………………………………4
Extracurricular Considerations…………………………………………………………………6
Health and Safety………………………………………………………………………………..7
Frequently asked Questions……………………………………………………………………7
Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………………………….10
Appendix 2……………………………………………………………………………………….11
From the office of Superintendent: Monday, July 2021
As a district, Panhandle ISD looks forward to welcoming students back on August 23, 2021. Despite the challenges with COVID-19, our district will strive to offer world-class instruction that our community has become accustomed to whether face-to-face or remote. As the public health crisis continues, we plan to open the 2021-2022 school year with a focus on the health, safety, and well being of our staff, students, and community.
Panhandle ISD is planning two different instruction learning environments, our plan follows the recommendations for school opening and operations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Education Agency, and state and local health officials.
The Texas Education Agency has provided information in which the Panhandle ISD plans to implement when reopening school campuses for the 2022-2022 school year. This information and the following guidance procedures may change with short notice. PISD will post all changes and updated information that comes to us. Please check this web document often for updates. Thank you for your patience as we navigate these new circumstances.
The situation with COVID-19 is continuously changing, as are the protocols and measures needed to keep students and staff safe. Plans will remain flexible to accommodate potential changes and these guidelines may be modified as needed. As adjustments may be necessary throughout the coming year, it will be our priority to keep the community informed of those changes and updates. The Panhandle ISD website ( will provide you with the most up-to-date information.
Please note, that health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. As a result, Panhandle ISD will continue to consult available guidance through governmental agencies and other relevant information to monitor the situation. The district will comply with applicable federal and state employment and disability laws, workplace safety standards, and accessibility standards to address individual needs.
It is important to know that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread by infected persons who have little or no symptoms but are still contagious. The person they infect may become seriously or fatally ill. Especially vulnerable are persons 65 of age or older with pre-existing health conditions, placing them at higher risk. Because of this threat’s hidden nature, PISD expects employees and families to follow these practices rigorously.
The designated communication team regarding COVID-19 related issues at Panhandle ISD will consist of the following personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct those to our designated team.
Blair Brown, Superintendent
Brent Kirkland, High school Principal
Rebecca Gerhardt, Junior High Principal
Allison Mitchell, Elementary Principal
Dane Ashley, Athletic Director
Jamie Moore, Business Manager
Jennifer Benson, Nurse
If you have general questions, please email them to Heather Kennedy at
Instruction Choices
PISD will only offer in-person, face-to-face instruction. The following asynchronous plan describe below will only take effect if a situation arises that would make the synchronous learning plan untenable.
While Panhandle ISD believes that face to face, instruction is by far the best option for its students. Panhandle ISD is planning for face-to-face instruction, our plan follows recommendations for school opening and operations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Texas Education Agency, and state and local officials.
Face-to-Face instruction is considered the “traditional” format of public education. Although certain safety precautions may be implemented and at times remote instruction may be included, this method will look similar to years past.
o Examples: Self-paced online courses with intermittent teacher instruction, pre-assigned work with formative assessments on paper or in LMS, watching pre-recorded videos of instruction with guided support
o Teachers will follow the district scope and sequence (TEKS Resource System) and will give corresponding assessments.
o The district grading policy will be followed and grades will be placed in the parent portal.
o Teachers will follow the district scope, sequence (TEKS Resource System), and give the corresponding assessments.
o Panhandle ISD will provide face to face instruction for grades 3-12 unless and attend school five days per week unless arrangements have been made with administration
o Grades 6-12 will be assigned schedules based on their course selections.
o Both remote and face-to-face instruction will utilize Goggle Classroom and other digital platforms
o The district grading policy is in effect for both remote and face-to-face instruction.
All students will need to register for the 2021-2022 school year. All parents will be required to register their child for either virtual or face-to-face. Parents will be asked to make a firm commitment to virtual or face-to-face instruction for six weeks and will only be allowed to change at the end of the grading period.
Extracurricular Considerations
Although UIL guidance allows students to participate in extracurricular activities in a virtual format, through a Panhandle ISD Board resolution students who choose to participate in athletics, extracurricular activities, student activity groups, and specific CTE courses must choose the in-person option.
UIL activities
Any other courses that the administration deems appropriate.
Health/Safety Efforts for New Year
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Panhandle ISD plans to reopen and provide instruction beginning August 17, 2020. One type of instruction (face-to-face) will be provided:
Face-to-face all grades
2. What precautions will be in place on the campuses?
We will implement increased signage around campuses promoting disease mitigation strategies, increased cleaning and sanitation practices, as well as frequent reminders of hand hygiene and social distancing. PISD will comply with all health and safety mandates established by the health department and the Texas Education Agency. Classrooms will be arranged to maximize space between students. We encourage students and staff to provide their own PPE (Personal Protection Equipment). Panhandle ISD will provide PPE as needed.
3. How many students will be assigned to each classroom?
Panhandle ISD will follow TEA guidelines for class sizes. At this time, the class size requirements are the same as in any other school year. The maximum number of students per class varies by grade level and also varies by the class at the secondary level.
4. Will visitors be allowed on campus?
Visitors will be allowed on campuses on a very limited basis using the guidelines listed below:
5. Are all campuses closed?
Once students are at school they will not be able to leave school unless checked out physically by a parent. Upon return, a student’s temperature will be taken and logged according to the campus procedure.
6. Will the cafeteria be open and will school lunches be served?
The cafeteria will be open to serve breakfast and lunch daily. The physical set up for the cafeteria will be adjusted and times staggered to reduce the number of students in the cafeteria at one time. Some students will be eating in the cafeteria, spaced according to recommended guidelines and other students may eat in the classroom if necessary. Parents will be allowed to send a lunch with their students.
7. What happens if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID? Will the entire classroom have to quarantine and enroll in virtual school? What about multiple classrooms?
Students or staff who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent home to recover and allowed back in school after a negative test.
See appendix 1 PISD COVID-19 Standard Response Protocol and Appendix 2 Panhandle ISD Student/Staff COVID 19 Flow-chart
8. Are immunizations required for virtual school?
Yes, At this time the Texas Department of State Health Services has not waived the vaccine requirements for students
9. Will buses run?
Yes, buses will run. Ridership will remain at typical district capacity. To support contract tracing, students will be assigned seats, and a seating chart will be maintained by the bus driver. The bus driver and students will be required to wear face coverings (based on executive order) and hand sanitizer provided when entering the bus. Social distancing will be encouraged and all other health guidelines. (In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have an infectious disease (cases) and people who they came in contact with (contacts) and working with them to interrupt disease spread).
10. Will the 90% minimum student attendance for class credit rule be in effect for the 2021-2022 school year?
Yes, The minimum attendance class credit will be in effect for 2020-2021 school year, TEA will not be issuing waivers for school districts to exempt themselves from the rule. Students are required to attend at least 90% of their classes (TEC 25.092) to receive credit and be promoted.
11. What curriculum does the district use?
Panhandle ISD’s scope and sequence is the TEKS resource system. Teachers will also be required to use the assessments that are tied to each unit
12. How will grades be assigned?
Panhandle ISD will use the grading policy listed in the campus handbooks for both remote and face-to-face instruction. Grades will be placed in the parent portal as required by policy.
13. How will you address social, emotional, or mental health concerns?
Counselors are available to support students academically, socially, and emotionally and can provide mental health support or resources for families who may be struggling emotionally.
Jill Reynolds High School Counselor
Brandi Brame Junior High Counselor
Kristi Wagner Elementary Counselor
Tiffany Smith Special Ed Counselor
14. Will STAAR/EOC be administered in 2020-2021?
Yes, The Texas Education Agency has indicated that STAAR testing will still occur during the 2020-2021 school year, in compliance with state and federal legislation
15. Will the plan be monitored and revised?
Yes, the plan will be continually monitored and revised when necessary according to the LEA, community, CDC and state expectations and directives.
Panhandle ISD will continue to provide updates on its website at
Appendix 1
Stage 1
No confirmed cases of COVID-19 among staff or students.
Stage 2
Persons who come into close contact of an individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be personally contacted by district personnel and advised to self-monitor for 14 days.One or more confirmed active case(s) of COVID-19 at one facility.
Stage 3
Modified Operations
Students and staff of that area will be advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.20% or more confirmed active COVID-19 cases in one specific area ie: classroom
Stage 4
Facility Closure
Active COVID-19 cases exceed 20% or more in one facilityFacility Closure
District 5
District Closure
All PISD facilities close for a minimum of 14 days.Active COVID-19 cases exceed 10% of occupancy in any facilities.
If those conditions are present, the majority of students move to remote learning until COVID-19 threat level improves. Some small-group instruction may be allowed with strict social distancing protocols in place.
PISD reserves the right to alter as needed