Debbie Jones
6th Grade Mathematics Syllabus
Phone: 537-3541 (work)
Conference period: 8:47 – 9:34
Course Objectives: The students are expected to master the 6th grade Mathematics TEKs and perform satisfactorily on the state mandated STAAR test.
Grading Policy:
60% Summative Grades Category (unit tests, projects, etc.)
40% Formative Grades Category (homework, participation, daily grades, etc.)
Late or Make-up Work:
Homework is due the next day unless I tell the students otherwise. If it’s not turned in on time, students may have to stay after school to complete the assignment. Late assignments may have 10 points deducted, if turned in the next day. If it is not turned in after two days, the student may receive a 0.
Corrections will be allowed on an individual basis. It will be the student’s responsibility to ask and, if allowed, the corrections will be made during tutorials after school or during class make-up time.
Make-up work will be the student’s responsibility. If a student knows he/she will be absent, please see me the day before and I’ll give the make-up work. If the absence is unexpected, see me after school (in class if time) the next day for the work. Students will have two days to make up the missed work for an absence. If a student is absent 3 days or more, he/she will have 1 week to complete the work.
Tutorials will be available when needed.